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Get my cat to come sleep with me


I wouldn't have believed you could, having had cats all my life. When my boyfriend and I became serious & moved in together, i already had 2 grown male cats.

Every night, when it was time for bed, my then new boyfriend would go through the trouble of rounding up the cats and bringing them to bed with us. Many nights, it became a bit of an ordeal. Trying to get them both in the bedroom without one of them escaping again. One of my cats, did not seem to care for this new human deciding on his bed time, and quite often, my boyfriend would end up covered in scratches, and then the cats took to fighting with one another instead. Needless to say, I did not encourage this new routine & the commotion of it all used to frustrate me.

Fast forward 6yrs later & the four of us now share a bed (and a bedtime!) every night. In fact, my older cat who once hated this, wants nothing more than to get under the covers, head on pillow, along side of us. At around 10pm, he begins to become restless, meowing until one of us carries him up the stairs and settle in for the evening.

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